Horoscope For Today: Monday, April 15, 2024

1. Sign of Aries

You are moving forward at full speed even if the intensity of today can seem overwhelming.

2. Virgo

As you gaze forward and consider how you might make your goal a reality, the audacious energy will support you in feeling motivated.

3. Sign of Gemini

There are many opportunities to set the pace how you want today, whether you need to make amends with a spouse or let go of connections from the past.

4. Cancer

Since the Sun will be highlighting your inner star, you might feel more comfortable expressing yourself now that we are in the Aries season. 

5. Virgo

This transit may help you see your value as the Moon enters your sign and goes into Mars Pisces.

6. Libra

When Mars is in Pisces, it might assist you make better goals, structures, and self-belief.

7. Scorpio

You have a gift for shining brightly when the time is right.

8. In Sagittarius

As you consider the steps you need to take in your career or vocation, the Moon in Virgo will feel quite powerful for you today. 

9.The Capricorn

Today's Moon is in Virgo, which indicates that you will use this energy for good. 

10. The Aquarius

With the Moon in Virgo today, this is a very potent transit that can help you identify your inner bravery and set more specific goals.