Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, March 14, 2024

1. Aries: Card of the day: Knight of Wands

Take up a significant task today. You are the cardinal fire sign, therefore you might need to be a little brave to make it happen.

2. Taurus: Card of yours: Ten of Cups

You are going to experience a rare round of happiness today, regardless of what occurs.

3. Gemini: The card you have: Temperance

You must exercise patience today, even if it may not be easy. 

4. Cancer: Two of Pentacles is your card.

When you think you have too much on your plate, it can be simple to become overwhelmed.

5. Leo: Cards you have: 8 of Pentacles.

You're experiencing a lot of fatigue and annoyance from work today.

6. Virgo: You have the Magician card.

You may actually achieve everything you desire—within reason, of course. 

7. Libral: King of Wands is your card.

Whether you create art yourself or see other people's, today is a great day to express your creativity. 

8. Scorpio: Card you have: Ten of Pentacles

A sense of satisfaction arises from accomplishing a goal at last, particularly in the realm of finances and other tangible matters.

9. Sagittarius: The World is your card.

Make plans for a weekend getaway. Sure, the weekend is just one day away, but you've already made plans for impromptu getaways.

10. Capricorn: 9 of Wands is your card.

You could have to defend yourself today—from strangers, relatives, or coworkers, for example—at some point.

11. Aquarius: 6 of Cups is your card.

These days, you find yourself yearning for your earlier years.

12. Pisces: The Tower is your card.

You are about to experience a profound epiphany that may alter your perspective on life.

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