Since you like forward momentum and you won't be getting it during these retrogrades, you will be extremely frustrated.
Now is a perfect moment to take stock of and evaluate your tangible possessions, including your house, investments, and other belongings.
If you have to travel during this period, just remember to pack extra.
Now is the time to start making plans, particularly financial ones.
You will be most impacted by retrograde in your place of employment.
Capricorns, if you possess property, sit on whatever you own.
Mercury is one of Gemini's ruling plants, thus it's very possible that you will miscommunicate with each other.
You will feel the impact of this first retrograde on your ego.
Mercury is in your sign, Aquarius, and it's literally turning retro.
During this retrograde season, you can have a tendency to get picky.
Additionally, Mercury rules reasoning, and inventiveness is highly important to you as a sign.